Info o dnešním update.
Změny cen S2 & S3 setu.
S1 set zůstává zadarmo
S2 Změna ceny AP, celková hodnota setu 3750 arena point a 1700 & 1750 rating.
S3 Změna ceny AP, celková hodnota setu 5758 arena point a 1850 & 1950 & 2050 rating.
Přepočty aren jsou nastavené na každé 3 dny.
Dále Vás upozorňujeme že 1.12.2012 dojde ke smazání všech arena teamu a pročištění DB, arena pointy Vám zůstanou a přepočet se dá na každé 2 dny.
Promazáním arena teamu začne velká soutěž kterou vyhlásí GM.
Upraveny questy pro spell doplnky a meele doplnky.
Today’s update info.
Changes to the prices of S2 and S3 sets.
S1 remains free.
S2 – Change to the AP price, total price of this set is now 3750 arena points and requires 1700 & 1750 rating.
S3 – Change to the AP price, total price of this set is now 5758 arena points and requires 1850 & 1950 & 2050 rating.
Arena points are now awarded every three days.
We would also like you to take note that on 1st December 2012 all arena teams will be deleted and a database cleanup will be done. You will keep all your arena points and from then on, points will be awarded every two days.
A big event announced by a GM will follow the wipe of arena teams.
Quests required for spell and meele off pieces were modified.